Wednesday, October 19, 2016

10 Things I Love About New York City

Moving to college for the first time is tough. Moving to a big city is tough. But moving to college in Manhattan for the first time can be insane. College is supposed to be one of the most fast paced times of your life, and getting to experience this time in the most fast paced city is incredible.
1. The nightlife.
New York City is known for being the city that never sleeps. No matter the time of day or day of the week, you can always count on there being some event happening in one of the boroughs. The city's bars are open until four AM, pizza is available 24 hours a day, and there's always a celebrity conducting an event somewhere in the city.
2. All of the dogs. 
The fact that I can't walk out of my building without immediately seeing a dog is truly amazing.
3. The culture. 
I grew up in a pretty white washed town in the South, and moving to one of the most diverse cities in the world was a pretty big culture shock. I love getting on the subway and hearing six different languages. The diversity of NYC is part of what makes the city so vibrant and beautiful.
4. The beautiful architecture. 
New York City is known for it's incredible architecture, and I have to say, nobody was exaggerating how beautiful the buildings and the layout of the city is. Walking around and looking up at the skyscrapers around you makes you feel immensely small, but it also makes you feel like you're a part of something bigger.
5. Broadway, baby. 
New York City is home to the Great White Way, and the city has watched thousands of works of art, song and dance their way across its stage.
6. Public transportation. 
Coming from a place where you have to drive a car to get just about anywhere, public transportation is truly a godsend. Nobody ever has to worry about being the designated driver. You can head underground and pop up in just about any of the boroughs for just under three dollars.
7. Helping out tourists. 
So I admit, I am not a local. Or really, a seasoned New Yorker, at all. But it feels pretty darn good when I help a tourist find their way or help them decide what train to take. It makes the city feel a little more like home.
8. The kids. 
I am an avid fan of children. I love their energy, their spirits, and their vibrancy. The kids living in NYC are especially energetic. One of the best parts of my day is seeing a kid run around in a park, race past me on their scooter, or practice their favorite dance routine on the subway platform.
9. The nature. 
You wouldn't expect the concrete jungle to have a ton of nature, but New York is home to some of the most beautiful parks. The city has tons of nature waiting to be discovered amongst the brick buildings.
10. The lights.
Okay, it's cliché, but the lights of the city are pretty inspiring. Looking out my window every night and seeing all these beautiful things that people have created reminds me that I'm here for a reason, and that I can do anything I set my heart and mind to.

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